Why We Love PR (and why we are so good at it)

I've often wondered why I love the ever changing, cut throat world of public relations (PR). Afterall, studies show that it is one of the 10 most stressful jobs a person can have, yet it's the path I chose. As an independent PR professional there is often no clear distinction between what is work, or what is life. Every project is a chance to build wonderful and lasting relationships, impact a cause or a persons life, or simply make a notable difference towards a common goal; likewise, every relationship, event, or situation often becomes an opportunity to talk shop, offer pr/marketing advice, or gain personal creative inspiration for my business.
So what draws me to it? Why do I flourish under the pressure of impossible deadlines, demanding projects, and the never ending quest to ensure every client's success and happiness? Well according to the well researched findings of the communications gurus at Ragan.com, ...baby, I was born this way! Read below for the first five of ten signs of a good PR professional, then click over to Ragan.com to finish the rest of the article. And should you need expert PR representation...you know where to find me ;-)
10 signs you should work in PR
1. You're Type A. If you're that student who always takes the lead in group projects because you don't trust anyone else to get the job done, PR is for you. If you put all those type A students from high school or college into an auditorium together, you'd be looking at the next generation of PR professionals. (And a really bossy crowd.)
2. You like to write and have a way with words. If you like writing ad jingles in your head or always have to revise college essays because you wrote too much, PR might be for you. Although much PR writing is formal—press releases, media alerts, proposals, presentations—much is more creative: social media, email pitches to reporters, strategy for a fun PR campaign or stunt. If writing assignments make you cringe, steer clear.
3. News fascinates you. If reading about what's going on in the world is your cup of tea, take a seat at the PR roundtable. PR professionals exult in the thrill of the next news story, viral video, or must-have brand stunt, and how they can get their client in the spotlight.
4. You can talk to anyone. And everyone. Successful public relations professionals easily strike up conversation with strangers. The shy need not apply. So much of the industry, whether it's working with your peers or convincing a new company's leadership team to hire your firm, is about chemistry. If you can't connect with people through communication, this isn't the career path for you. A good PR professional knows that the next new business lead just might come from the person sitting next to her on the train.
5. You're relentless. Public relations demands professionals committed to success. Whether it's determination to get an A in class, land a new job, get your client on CNN or win a new client's business, you relish the thrill of the chase and the gratification of a win. If you're the type who sits back and says, "Hey, we'll just have to see who wins," seek another career. In PR, it's sink or swim.
Priscilla Thomas is owner and principal publicist at Savvy Girl PR as well as founder of The Dolce Vita Group, and Dolce Vita Events.